THE SOLUTION: Cut down on sugar as much as possible, but if you suffer from premenstrual tension, try taking vitamin B6 ( 200mg a day), too. 解决方案:尽可能减少对糖的依靠,但是如果你确实感到了经前焦虑,可以试着每天服用200毫克的维生素B6。
The Analysis of Premenstrual Tension of Adolescence Female 青春期女性经前紧张综合征临床分析
Used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders, motion sickness premenstrual tension, bed-wetting and urinary frequency. 用于治疗胃肠功能紊乱、晕动病、经前紧张、尿床和尿频。
Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of liver-discharging and heat-clearing therapy for premenstrual tension syndrome. 目的观察疏肝清热法治疗经前期紧张综合征患者的疗效。
Methods The Control-studies were made in 123 patients with premenstrual tension syndrome and 68 normals by SAS and scale, X2-test and ttest were used in statistical treatment. 方法以SAS量表和TAS星表为检测工具,将123例患者与68例正常人进行对照研究。统计学处理采用X2检验和t检验。
Analysis of curative effects of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy on simple obesity complicated with premenstrual tension syndrome 针灸治疗单纯性肥胖症并发经前期紧张综合征的疗效分析
Clinical Study on Treatment of Premenstrual Tension Syndrome with Auricular Point Sticking 耳穴贴压治疗经前期紧张综合征临床研究
Among surveyed students, the incidence of menstrual disturbance, dysmenorrhea and premenstrual tension syndrome ( PMS) were 28.4%, 40.8%, 43.8%. 月经失调、痛经、经前期紧张综合征总患病率分别为28.4%、40.8%、43.8%。
Conclusion The clinical therapeutic effect of the scalp acupuncture is better than that of the medication for premenstrual tension syndrome. 结论:头皮针治疗该病的临床疗效优于药物。
The results showed as follows: The incidences of menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea and premenstrual tension in the exposed group were obviously higher than those of the control group. 其结果:月经紊乱、痛经、经前紧张症的发生率有随每周作业时间的延长而增加的趋势。
A control study on the treatment of premenstrual tension syndrome with paroxetine 帕罗西汀治疗经前紧张综合征疗效研究
Obese women and more complicated pre-menstrual, post, from time to time, too much, too little bleeding, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual tension syndrome, menopausal syndrome and other diseases. 女性肥胖多并发月经前期、后期、不定期、过多、过少、崩漏、闭经、痛经、经前期紧张综合征、更年期综合征等疾病。